Thursday 13 January 2022

Kremlinology at No. 10: Who will our next Great Helmsman be?

Basically it'll be anyone that baby-boomer aged gammons think is a "nice young man" or "just like Maggie".
Politics in this country is fucked because it is dominated by the old and the rich. As a result, nothing good is going to happen here for the rest of the decade. Everything else is just kremlinology.

That being said, for the sake of argument people are saying it won't be Sunak cos the Tories are too racist. I think it WILL be Sunak, or at least it's possible that they'd pick him anyway because these days even lots of racists like to pretend they're not racist - and he would be the perfect answer to such accusations.

Also, a lot of Labourites have started to completely lose their shit over India / Pakistan (having already done as much damage to themselves as possible over Israel / Palestine), and an Anglo-Indian would cause them to 'sperg out bigtime. Remember that horrible election poster that portrayed the PM meeting the Indian PM as a betrayal of the electorate? That times 100.

That one.

 Additionally, Sunak's relatively untainted and nice enough looking that he'd tick boxes with middle class liberals, a demographic that Tories have had mostly lost and desperately need back.

Here's the thing though - nothing is going to change. We're like the Soviets, stuck in a rut, nothing ever changes, politics is just a bureaucratic power struggle for the boss class while the economy is controlled by a rigid, sclerotic ideology.

It's hypernormalization: Everyone knows the system's broken but nobody is allowed to fix it. So we just pretend it's working.

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