Thursday 12 December 2019

Today is election day

Today is election day.

Today is election day and I just saw a video of Labour supporters playing in a brass band on a pedestrian bridge over the main motorway into town.

It was raining and miserable and cold and they'd all come out anyway.

It was just so incredibly sad. All their hope, all their energy - they have no chance against Boris Johnson's army of thugs and liars.

They reminded me of the band on the Titanic, playing as the ship went down.

Today is election day and it is probably the end of democracy in this country.

Today is election day and everyone is really into it, and it makes no difference because the means of communication are owned by liars, cheats, and bigots.

Today is  election day and they might as well swear the bastard in already, because the newspapers and the national broadcaster hold the Opposition to impossible standards while waving away the government's every impropriety, its every prejudice, its Russian Oligarch and fascist supporters, its crooked connections, even the fact that people can't ask the Prime Minister a simple question about honesty without even a hand picked TV audience erupting into gales of laughter - the truth is censored, covered up, stymied, and the cover up itsself covered up, so that all we have left is a nation of amnesiacs, uneasy and angry as abused dogs with the knowledge that something is wrong - but lashing out at everyone they see because they have no idea what.

And oh, the lies. The lies are everywhere, screaming from every newspaper, every screen, everywhere a symphony of bullshit designed to both deceive the gullible and demoralize those who know the truth.

Today is election day. You should definitely vote. It might be your last chance for quite a while.