Thursday 12 December 2019

Today is election day

Today is election day.

Today is election day and I just saw a video of Labour supporters playing in a brass band on a pedestrian bridge over the main motorway into town.

It was raining and miserable and cold and they'd all come out anyway.

It was just so incredibly sad. All their hope, all their energy - they have no chance against Boris Johnson's army of thugs and liars.

They reminded me of the band on the Titanic, playing as the ship went down.

Today is election day and it is probably the end of democracy in this country.

Today is election day and everyone is really into it, and it makes no difference because the means of communication are owned by liars, cheats, and bigots.

Today is  election day and they might as well swear the bastard in already, because the newspapers and the national broadcaster hold the Opposition to impossible standards while waving away the government's every impropriety, its every prejudice, its Russian Oligarch and fascist supporters, its crooked connections, even the fact that people can't ask the Prime Minister a simple question about honesty without even a hand picked TV audience erupting into gales of laughter - the truth is censored, covered up, stymied, and the cover up itsself covered up, so that all we have left is a nation of amnesiacs, uneasy and angry as abused dogs with the knowledge that something is wrong - but lashing out at everyone they see because they have no idea what.

And oh, the lies. The lies are everywhere, screaming from every newspaper, every screen, everywhere a symphony of bullshit designed to both deceive the gullible and demoralize those who know the truth.

Today is election day. You should definitely vote. It might be your last chance for quite a while.

Saturday 20 July 2019

Imagine an asteroid...

Imagine if an asteroid was coming to get us.

 Imagine if there were already meteor showers and even relatively minor impacts happening on a regular basis, but governments decided that, due to free market ideological purity, they had NO intention of doing anything about it... they claimed to care, but they wouldn't release any real resources - in short, imagine if asteroid impact mitigation was entirely up to private enterprise, charity and individuals. Imagine also that no crewed space exploration had taken place since the early 1960s, since the putt-putt era of Gagarin, Tereshkova, and John Glenn - imagine that we never landed on the Moon and that no human had ever spent more than a couple of hours in space.

The last man and woman in space
Imagine that a dino-killing asteroid was coming to hit the earth in 30 years at most and we didn't even have NASA.
 The first and last American in space

He'll see you right when the time comes.
Imagine that, for some reason, certain private interests, perhaps the makers of asteroid shelters, had convinced large swathes of the population that asteroids didn't exist, or that if they did exist, weren't a problem.

Imagine if the President of the United States didn't believe in asteroids, and it was considered an article of faith among his party that they didn't either.

Not such a stretch...

Imagine if even opposition figures just waffled and fudged when asked what they were going to do about the asteroid.
 Imagine if an asteroid was going to hit the Earth in at most 30 years time, and most people acted like they didn't give a shit - and the authorities were asleep at the wheel.

Imagine if we had to put together a space mission to destroy this asteroid within ten years or we would certainly perish - imagine if we had to design and build an entire class of spacecraft, monster nuclear weapon, delivery system, and crew return vehicle within TEN YEARS, or the asteroid would be too near the Earth to deflect no matter what we did. Imagine the public anger, the sense of betrayal, if our leaders just spouted platitudes because they were alright, they had bunkers and private islands sorted out, and they were just going to leave the rest of us to fry - too bad, suckers!

Again, not such a stretch...

Now imagine that most people didn't feel angry or betrayed but simply resigned to their fate. Imagine if an anti-asteroid protest movement existed, with slogans like BUILD THE BOMB and DETONATION NOT DEVASTATION and LETS BLOW UP THE FREAKING ASTEROID ALREADY, and they were universally derided as weirdoes on the fringes of society, unwashed hippie layabouts, and subversive leftie scum - even among other protest movements! Imagine if in its desperation, this movement resorted to blocking traffic just to get traction on the airwaves because the world was going to end and all that happened was that people got pissed off because it made them late to work.

This is what is happening with global warming. Humanity has a vast job to do, sure it might not work, just as bombing the shit out an asteroid might not work, but it's better than waiting to die. And nobody gives a flying fuck. I condemn myself as much as the next person, but I have no goddam clue what to do. So I wrote this.

Maybe Extinction Rebellion aren't perfect, but at least it's a start.

Monday 10 June 2019

That BrexAnalysis In Full!

Hard Brexit is baked in the cake right now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Boris Johnson will be Prime Minister. You might as well start hanging his picture on your dartboard already. He's not just the front runner - the person in second place is so far behind him they might as well not bother, the bookies are giving them six to one against.

His opposition research is completley on point, his media operation is as slick as ever, and nobody else who has a chance has anything like his profile.


General election?

There's a much smaller chance of a general election than you think. As little as 50% - for every Chablis-quaffing, inbred, chinless Tory douche that's stupid enough to believe their own lies, there's at least one sniveling, degenerate, arse-kissing liberal scum fuck in the other parties that will do anything - ANYTHING  - to prevent an election - whether it's suck off Boris Johnson, eat a turd, or prop up the Tories however batshit they get.

My guess is they'll survive a confidence motion by one vote or something equally comical and BJ McMiniTrump calls an election anyway. The fix is totally in and the Corbyn bubble has definitely burst so they can afford it, and anyway, the time wasted will run down the clock to no-deal which is their actual objective here, even more than staying in power (if that's possible).

Expect him to not only push a hard Brexit, but also actively use Brexit to win an election. VOTE FOR ME in the most ironic manner possible is the way it's gonna be, then after he wins: HA HA SUCKERS FUCK YOU KISS THE NHS GOODBYE A CHECK-UP NOW COSTS YOU YOUR KIDNEYS.

The TLDR: Don't get too excited, kids.