Friday 26 November 2021

The dishonesty and cruelty of the British knows no bounds.

I can't believe how brazenly shitty we are as a people. We went in there and totally, utterly fucked up Iraq and Afghanistan, and the neighbours to boot.

Now the people from the places we fucked up need our help, we're basically "Fuck off, country's full!" There's also been nudge-nudge wink-wink talk of deliberately capsizing their vessels and letting them drown. This is together with a law in the works making it illegal to help them, and legal to deliberately drown them.

So this latest disaster is no surprise to me - frankly, the Home Secretary should probably face trail for crimes against humanity on the back of that.

The dishonesty and cruelty of the British knows no bounds.

Thursday 25 November 2021

This is how right wing the US has become:

 This is how right wing America is:

A street named after the North American equivalent of a Fascist dictator was recently renamed by the city council, and not before time.

The state's legal representative has threatened to fine the democratically elected city council for violating a law passed in 2017 specifically aimed at preserving memorials to slave traders, traitors, and dictators.

They're so much more brazen there than they are here in Europe. Nobody goes to bat for, say, a statue of Mussolini, or a street called Hitlerstrasse. In fact, such episodes are generally a cause for shame, at least on the Continent. But those bastards are actually fucking *proud* of it.

These are not normal people and we should not imitate them in any way. It is a bankrupt, violent and cruel society which is physically and socially disintegrating before the eyes of the world - and it bloody deserves to, if you ask me.