Thursday 30 December 2021

Don't Look Up - Review

Don't Look Up is a brilliant critique of neoliberalism, even better than They Live (if that's possible).
They Live's villains are non-human, and as such at least their behaviour makes sense. They're aliens out to colonize earth and pollution is used to "de-terraform" the environment so they can live here more comfortably. The type of evil they represent is kind of obvious, schlock-horror movie stuff.
But DLU's baddies are brilliant precisely because they're all too human. They really are "not smart enough to be as evil as you're giving them credit for". They really would endanger everyone on Earth just to make a few bucks and prove an ideological point.
As we saw at Chernobyl, hell, as we saw before World War II when an obviously mad dictator was threatening the world, elites just stood around or even tried to make money out of it - until it was too late. And now, with climate change - the same process. Ordinary people with half a clue can see that it's a disaster, and politicians and the rich just stand around and get richer. And the film dramatizes that brilliantly, I think.

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