Saturday 13 June 2020

Liberalism vs Radicalism: A primer for the BLM generation

There seems to be some confusion in the world about the difference between Radicalism and Liberalism(or as I will put it, liberal reformism).

While both have their strong points and their weak points, it is vital not to confuse the two. So, in the spirit of getting our facts right, I present a primer:

Liberal Reformism vs Radicalism

Liberal reformism is guilt tripping people into being more "woke".

Liberal reformism is throwing the mob a few goodies to placate them.

Liberal reformism is firing a few bigots from their job, but not asking why "non-essential workers" get paid ten, twenty, a hundred times as much as "essential" workers.

Liberal reformism is a company putting the Rainbow Flag or a BLM sticker on their logo - but only in rich, Western countries where that's profitable.

Liberal reformism is all about the things that divide us, but nothing about what unites us.

Liberal reformism, ultimately, is more female drone pilots. Great for those who desire the profession of drone pilot - but people still end up getting bombed.

Its only advantage is that it's less dangerous than radicalism. 

(This isn't nearly as cowardly as it sounds - As anyone from Russia, China, or Cambodia will tell you, the new boss is frequently even more brutal than the old boss)


Radicalism is bigots actually realizing for themselves that it's fucking stupid to be a bigot when we all have the same enemies.

Radicalism is every fucker going on strike - rent strike as well as labour strike.

Radicalism is taking over posh hotels and empty condominiums and using them to house the homeless.

Radicalism is people organising mass shoplifting raids on supermarkets to feed the community.

Radicalism is massive CHAZ type areas springing up in every city, the cops bottling it and abandoning their posts while the factories and farms and stuff are taken over for the people.

Radicalism is people storming the prisons, liberating the camps, and imprisoning the guards.

Radicalism is people marching on the White House and the soldiers turning their guns on Trump and his goons.

Radicalism is mass defections from the army and police because nobody wants to back the losing side.

Radicalism is when you take all the rich corporate bastards who have fucked up the world, round 'em up, put 'em on trial, and hang them for crimes against humanity.

You might be in favour of one or the other or neither or both -  but don't get them confused!

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