Thursday 3 March 2022

Aw, crap, not again!

So the Russians are shelling a massive nuclear power station in Ukraine. Before bed, a quick theory (in case I'm proved right by morning).

Paranoid theory: The Russians have given up on conquering Ukraine and are now deliberately trying to cause a nuclear disaster, or "If we can't have it, nobody can!"

Ukraine is notoriously a breadbasket region: when famine hit, it was often because the Russian government had stolen all their food - and they certainly wouldn't help them if they were in need (A bit like the way the English exploited the Irish).

This is doubtless part of why Ukraine is considered so strategically vital by the Russians - and why a bunch of crazy bastards, who fucking hate us so much they've spent the last decade pushing literal Fascist propaganda into our homes, probably would cause a nuclear disaster if they felt cornered. 

In a way, it's perfect for the Fascist mentality: You get to nuke someone without nuking them; remember, Fascists are cowards, and everyone knows that the next person to die after you press the button will be you. But to cause an "accident"? It's ideal! As with Coronavirus, they get to try out their theories of eugenics on an entire population, ie, "The weak will die, the strong survive!", and punish their enemies, AND scare the fucking crap out of everyone on Earth, all at the same time.

I really, really, really fuckiing hope it ain't so.


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