Monday 21 June 2021

On The Great American CRT Controversy (not old video monitors)

(This is an old Reddit comment with an extra bit at the start for context)

Critical Race Theory is not complicated. It's basically a well-meaning, liberal attempt of American academics and activists to come to terms with the racist atrocities of the past (including the recent past).

It has a lot going for it, sure. However, it probably does have to be taught with some delicacy; in any event, liberal education did exist before it, and it will exist again whether this particular approach gets binned or not. Racism is too big a part of American society to just be ignored, the question is whether it gets taught in this particular way.

 In the same way, conservative education (if you can call it that) will continue to exist whatever the outcome of the current controversy. (unfortunately)

Rightwingers want to ban Critical Race Theory because CRT is unpopular, especially with their base.
Banning it is an easy win - they'd be stupid not to come out against it.
Meanwhile liberals like CRT because it is very popular with their base. Promoting it is an easy win - they'd be stupid not be for it.
It's like when politicians in Japan argue about teaching WWII atrocities 80 years after the fact, or when Russian politicians rehabilitate Stalin, while our own Prime Minister is a big Winston Churchill fan because it only annoys the far Left and Churchill is still a beloved figure in England. (He's even on our £5 note!)
Rightwingers are into national pride and all that shit, and their base love 'em for it - and it's easier and cheaper than actually doing something useful, like I dunno, cracking down on gangsters or fixing the economy.
In the same way, your leaders don't have the ability to solve your country's systemic and ongoing problems, inculding very serious matters like eco collapse and economic stagnation, partly because they're so corrupt and sclerotic, partly because they're constantly obstructing each other, so they argue about this stuff instead. 
It's a displacement activity , like scratching your head.

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